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Wrestlemania XXX Weekend report; Friday

Hello everybody!  Tomorrow is the show of shows and I can't wait to see the spectacle from the Super Dome.  Today we are covering the Friday of Wrestlemania Weekend.  Due to work, I was unable to watch any of the independent IPPVs last night and I will attempt to watch some of the shows in the coming days and give quick reviews.

What I did end up watching was Wrestlemania Today and Legends of Wrestlemania.  Wrestlemania Today was more of the same from Thursday with more interviews and match rundowns.  The biggest reason to watch? Part two of the Shield interview.  Truly awesome and these videos are truly making the Shield feel more special than they already are.  Other than that, everything felt business as usual.  There were some funny moments with Fandango's interview as well as Dolph Ziggler walking around the Axxess floor.

The highlight of Friday for me was Legends of Wrestlemania.  It started off as just typical hype for classic stars and their Wrestlemania moments.  When it turned was a raw, emotional segment with Ric Flair. After showing a montage of his retirement match at Wrestlemania XXIV they cut back to Ric with tears in his eyes.  Michael Cole then mentions that his family was there at ringside. This brought Ric  to further tears and stated that one of them wasn't here anymore.  Cole quickly transitioned to talking about his daughter, Charlotte.

Mick Foley and JBL did a very nice job of breaking down classic moments and telling fun stories about their experiences.  This show could have been better, and hopefully in the future we see an improved show, but it was still pretty good.  They ended the panel with a video of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H unveiling the Wrestlemania XXX stage.  It is truly a sight to behold.

That set is just so darn pretty. Overall, I didn't get to see as much as I wanted to last night, but I will try to get more content in my brain tonight. There are some pretty fun shows available online in the next 48 hours. Later on today at 4 PM EST Shimmer will be holding an iPPV headlined with Cheerleader Melissa defending her championship against LuFisto in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Dragon Gate USA has their second show of the weekend with Mercury Rising at 9 PM EST. This show will be headlined with Johnny Gargano defending his Open the Freedom Gate Championship against Low Ki. There will also be a Six Man Tag Team Tournament. Both of those shows are featured on

Late Saturday Night/Sunday morning you can watch New Japan Pro Wrestling present Invasion Attack 2014. This is main evented by the strong rivalry of Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakamura. They will be wrestling in their third match of the year for the IWGP Intercontinental Title with Tanahashi defending. This should be a really strong match and I am highly considering napping after the Hall of Fame ceremony and watching this show. You can order the show at

Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow us on twitter @IOWrestling for live reactions to the WWE Hall of Fame coverage starting with the Red Carpet special at 8:00 PM EST.  I will also have a blog post tomorrow  at 10:00AM with my thoughts and possible review of NJPW's iPPV.


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