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Countdown to Wrestlemania XXX: Match Previews pt. 4

We have gotten off the highway on the road to Wrestlemania and we are pulling into New Orleans this Sunday. Last night we had the go-home edition of Monday Night Raw. While the show was not the best, it ended well and I am still looking forward to Wrestlemania. I will say the WWE Network has a lot to do with that, but that's another discussion for later this week. Let's get on with our match preview!

Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
The Streak vs. The Beast

Here is a match that I am looking forward to, but I feel disappointed in my lack of excitement. This should feel like one of the biggest matches on the show, and it feels like it's in fourth place on my match listing, in regards to my excitement anyways. That being said, I have faith that these guys will put on a hell of a show. Undertaker is the man, and Brock is truly a freak of nature.

Undertaker's Streak of 21-0 at Wrestlemania is truly something special. The "Streak" will never happen again, and that's amazing.  There is something special about the Undertaker and his legacy that he has been leaving year in and year out.  I hope that the streak is never broken and Taker gets to go out as an immortal figure in Wrestlemania lore.

The man challenging the streak is Brock Lesnar; Former WWE and UFC Heavyweight Champion.  He is truly a special athlete and has left a very different legacy.  Brock is a smash-mouth, brutal, aggressive beast who is a favorite of some of the adult audience members.  We could argue all day about whether Brock's value to WWE was tarnished when he lost to HHH, but it ultimately doesn't matter. Brock is doing what the company needs him to do, and that's be a badass special attraction.

Ultimately, this match is one of three matches that I think could steal the show.  These two could end up having a fun brawl that fans will remember for years to come.

That's it for the preview, check in tomorrow at 10:00 AM (EST) for our preview on Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena.  So long!


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