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Countdown to Wrestlemania XXX: Match previews pt. 3

Hello again, my friends!  Today marks the go-home edition of Monday Night RAW as we kick off Wrestlemania week.  This week WWE plans on having live shows streaming on the WWE Network from New Orleans hyping the fandom for Wrestlemania XXX.  This is an exciting prospect for my inner child.  I can remember me in my youth feeling like there wasn't enough coverage of my favorite event, my Super Bowl.  Now, we are getting non-stop coverage. Thank you to the technology, the internet, the WWE Network, and this blog, I will now be hyping most of the week.  On to today's match preview, shall we?

The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

This match can also be known as the "Get everybody on Wrestlemania" Battle Royal. I am totally fine with that.  All of these guys bust their balls every night all over the country, they deserve to be on the show. The interesting part about the match is the four unknown entrants.  I'm hoping they will be surprises on the night of the show.

I don't expect this to be anything special, but it could be a fun showcase for several guys like Sheamus, Big E, Big Show, Ziggler, among others.  My favorite to win this battle royal would be Big Show, but anything can happen.

This Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal is being talked about as an annual match.  I am totally cool with that, as you can eventually create stories within the match each year.  I hope this is successful as it provides a chance for talent to shine.  I also like it because we can pay tribute to a legendary figure in wrestling history.

Andre the Giant means so much to this business.  He was a MAJOR attraction for many years throughout the wrestling world.  He was an amazing sight to behold. By all accounts, he was also an amazing person.  Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania III truly was a spectacle and brought a massive crowd to the Pontiac Silver Dome in 1987.  I can't stress enough how important this match was on so many levels.  Andre has that match in his legacy and he helped make Wrestlemania the phenomenon it became.

Thank you Andre, and thank you WWE for paying homage to this legendary individual.

Check in tomorrow at 10:00 AM (EST) for our preview on Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.


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