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Countdown to Wrestlemania XXX... Match previews pt. 1

As we head into Wrestlemania week, we preview some of the matches we have to look forward to on April 6, 2014 in New Orleans.  I will be cranking these out over the next few days before we have our first podcast, where we will be giving our predictions. We will be building up the previews from "bottom" to "top" in a way.

On today's post I want to talk about two matches that are lower on the totem pole.   Those matches would be the Divas Championship Invitational and the Fatal Four Way for the WWE Tag Team Championships.  These matches probably aren't going to be selling Wrestlemania for many people or convincing them to buy the WWE Network.  What they will do, however, is give the opportunity for wrestlers to get on to the show of shows, much like another match that we will get to on another post.

Up first...

Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational:

14 women, one match, pure chaos.  In all seriousness, I am happy for the ladies that get to be featured in the match.  That being said, I do worry that this will be a cluster.  AJ has had a very long reign as Divas champ and could very well see that end next Sunday. Who will win? Who knows? This could go any direction, although I would narrow down the favorites to Tamina, Naomi, Natalya and AJ.  The Divas division as a whole has been lacking and will hopefully receive a boost with a call-up from NXT.  Ultimately the division needs time spent with a good story, not just Total Divas vs. Divas.  WWE has many talented ladies, and I think WWE needs to let them shine in the future. I just don't think this match will be that shining moment.

Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
Usos v. Real Americans v. Rybaxel v. Los Matadores

This match slightly confuses me.  The main reason for confusion is the lack of the Rhodes Brothers.  Cody and Goldust have truly helped breath life back into a dead tag division with their matches against the Shield.  No offense to Los Matadores, but they do not deserve this shot over the former champs.  That being said, this match could be fun.  All of the men in this match are very talented and bring different things to the table.  This match could also end up on the Pre-Show.  Hopefully WWE will finalize the card on Raw and announce the Pre-Show match.  This match should feature some aerial maneuvers with the Usos and Los Matadores.  This match should also include some power with Cesaro, Ryback and Swagger.  This match features balance and hopefully they put on a hell of a show.

While I don't expect either of these matches to steal the show, I do hope they provide a fun time.  This Wrestlemania card is very different from the last couple of years, so we will see how it plays out.

That's it for today, tune in tomorrow at 10:00 AM (EST) for my preview on the Shield matchup. Also, quick side note...  We should be recording within the next couple of days and get our Wrestlemania preview out there.


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