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Countdown to Wrestlemania XXX; Match Previews pt. 2

Tomorrow we start Wrestlemania Week with the go-home edition of Monday Night RAW.  I look forward to getting that final bit of hype before the show of shows.

Today we will be talking about one match...

The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws

I will admit that I was slightly disappointed that this was going to be the match for the Shield.  The good news is that they are still together and they have been getting to show a new side of themselves now that they are the "good guys."  They are also getting to work with legends from the Attitude Era.  Unfortunately, Kane is "Corporate" and not the Big Red Machine we know and love. This match should be fun, but I can't help but wish that the Shield got a bigger spotlight.

The Shield have changed the landscape of WWE's product from day one when they interfered in the main event of Survivor Series 2012.  It's crazy to think of the quality they have produced since that evening.  Their feud with Team Hell No and Ryback. The fact that they've beaten Cena, Taker, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Kane, and other great stars is truly a remarkable feat.  On top of that, each guy has forged their own path into stardom.  The one that stands out though, would be Roman Reigns.  WWE has a potential phenomenon with Reigns.  He has it all in the looks department. He also carries himself in a way that the WWE Universe has fallen for.  It doesn't hurt that his Superman punch and his spear look deadly.

We thought that this surge of stardom from Roman Reigns would split the group up. They certainly have had their issues in the past few months.  They have come together though to buck the system and go against Corporate Kane.  The New Age Outlaws helped Kane beat the tar out of the Shield and.... Viola! We have ourselves a match!

Everyone involved in this match is supremely talented, and I am sure the match will be a fun showcase for everybody.  Look for Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins to steal the spotlight, as their recent performances have been stellar.

Another day, another match previewed.  Check back tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST for a preview of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal!


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