It has been a long time, my friends. I have returned. My love of Professional Wrestling never died, but my passion to write about it did wane. I felt like I was forced into bubbles and what I could talk about. Truthfully, that was all in my head. This blog is ultimately just a passion project, and not an attention seeking blog. What does that mean? I should be able to cover whatever it is that is providing fuel to my passion of the sport. My passion is still burning pretty strong, just not in the ways that it used to. How does that affect this site? Well the blog portion is most certainly returning, and I am looking at options at returning to podcasting. I am even looking at opportunities to record videos and post them on YouTube. But I won't necessarily have a structured time for things. I have a weird work schedule and it does affect my ability to run a site. That is why this will be a personal blog if you will, and I have no aspirations for it to be a business. There ...