There has always been the talk between wrestling fans of "the look". If you are reading this blog, you probably have had that discussion with a friend about a myriad of wrestlers. "Wow! That Guy has an amazing look!" or "This guy has the look, Vince must love this guy." There's always the classic, "This guy is really good, but he doesn't have the look." For decades on end we have been conditioned to believe that certain looks were what made it to the main event, or a certain build would lead to marketable success. The question is, what is "the look." Historically speaking, "the look" is related to a strong physique or muscular tone, and overall size. They want someone that will draw attention in crowds. There has always been the argument that you don't want a top guy who looks like your neighbor or friend, but someone who is larger than life. Hulk Hogan had the look, The Rock had the look, and John Cena ha...
A place where impressions are given about the world of Professional Wrestling.